Uncovering your unique design.

Equipping you to see & feel the power of your unique design.

InnerAthlete knows that you carry a distinct biological make-up, a unique brilliance and special abilities — you are truly one of one. And the better you can understand what makes you special, the better you’ll be able to take ownership of exactly what you need to do to become the champion you’ve always dreamed of. Let’s go!

The better each athlete can understand what makes them special, the better they will be able to take ownership of exactly what they need to do to become the champion they’ve always dreamed of. Our methodology centers enable athletes to understand, learn and develop from the inside out. This insight, and our newly crafted approach, makes us proud to unveil the latest breakthroughs in performance optimization, marking a new chapter in the journey of helping athletes truly understand and enhance their own unique potential for maximum performance.

We’ve organized this knowledge into a simple, yet powerful, MAP for the athletes we serve.

  • We evaluate cognitive abilities, including concentration, reaction times, and decision-making skills, to help athletes understand how their mind affects their abilities - and what to train to become more skilled in those areas.

  • We conduct in-depth biological assessments, including genetic performance targets, blood analysis, and nutrition evaluation, to understand each athletes unique physiological profile - to tailor differentiated training and nutrition plans that maximize effectiveness.

  • We engage with athletes, parents, and coaches through MAP U which is a digital content platform within the InnerAthlete portal. This powerful content is designed to aid in greater self-awareness that contextualizes their place in a sport and on a team, and the opportunity within both - in order to provide meaningful and inspiring content that educates and empowers them to invest in their own growth and impact on the field, and beyond.

So, how exactly do we do it? Well let’s get down to the science…

  • The 250 Gene SNP panel for human performance testing is a cutting-edge assessment administered through a simple cheek swab. This test provides in-depth insights into an individual's genetic blueprint, specifically tailored for sports performance, injury risk, and nutritional needs. By analyzing 250 specific gene variations, the panel offers personalized information that can help optimize training regimens, prevent injuries, and ensure proper intake of essential vitamins and nutrients, enabling athletes to reach their full potential.

  • InnerAthlete's blood analysis for athletic performance offers a dynamic insight into an athlete's current physiological status, contrasting with the static insights from the genetic panel. This comprehensive blood analysis reveals real-time data on an athlete's biomarkers, such as hormone levels, nutrient deficiencies, and overall metabolic health. By comparing these findings with the unchanging genetic blueprint provided by the 250 Gene SNP panel, athletes gain a holistic understanding of their current performance levels and how they align with their genetic potential. This dual approach allows for precise adjustments in training, nutrition, and recovery strategies to maximize performance and well-being.

  • The S2 System combines state-of-the-art technology with an in-depth understanding of how athletes’ brains are wired for the game.  This technology is the only of its kind to accurately measure an athlete’s reactions with millisecond precision. Through our scientifically validated evaluation, athletes gain in-depth knowledge of their cognitive make-up and how it impacts their performance. Equipped with this blueprint, athletes and coaches can now tailor training and drills to maximize players’ strengths and develop their weaknesses.

The InnerAthlete team is hard at work building a world-class, innovative ecosystem to help you uncover and unleash your God-given, one-of-one, unique potential. But we love connecting with people! If you have questions about our product, our company, or anything else you want to discuss, please drop us a line!

Talk to you soon!

We are creating the dynamic platform that reveals a new view of who you are and who you can be.